Friday, December 13, 2013

How The Scientist Learn About Past Climates?

The weather & climate shared the similar elements for example the air temperature, the humidity, the type and amount clouds and precipitation, air pressure wind speed and direction.
The weather records go back about 130 years.
The time scale scientist use to measure the climate is by the geologic time scales.
The scientist the past climate clues in the rocks fossils and plant fossils records.
Examination of  fossils and pollen records, using core samples from the ocean floor glaciers and the polar ice caps, and examining growth ring on trees are 3 techniques that scientist use to measure the past climate.
Temperature, precipitation, wind patterns these techniques provide clues to the past climate.

Where was that?
Antarctica ocean north pole
Whats the ship name?
How long did they spend investigating the water?
1 hour but they do everytime

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Climate Change

The amount of CO2(carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere is getting warm the earth. That will make more bad things for the earth and the people will not live like before.

Also the warmer get the earth less ice will be for Antarctica, and all the parts that have a lot of ice around the world will decrease more.

All the scientist know what will happen if we continue contaminated this world, the world will be more hotter, the sea level will decrease, parts like canada where is ice it will a beautiful forest.

CLIMATE: Meteorological conditions, temperature, precipitation. Climate is usually (sunny).
WEATHER: The state of the atmosphere at given time and place weather is the rain.
1) Strenght at the sun.
2) Earth position relative to the sun.
3) Heat from inside the Earth.
4) How shiny the Earth is Albedo.
5) Greenhouse gasses.
ALBEDO: The sun that is reflected to the earth. We can control albedo and GHO'S.
FEEDBACK'S: When the output of a system is feed back as an input altering the next output.
RATCHET: You can crank it one way, but you can't crank it other.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Is Climate Change a Hoax?

There are many people that deny we are destroying our earth and some peoples that think we are destroying this earth.

The true story of this world is that we are really destroying this earth. If the human continued to do this kind of thing like using a lot the fossil fuels there will be more contamination coming for the cars.

 Earth is beautiful place to live, for example people are saying that "antarctica has more ice than ever before" but the really thing is that that placer it doesn't have more ice than before.

Well according to this video ( that claim is not supported by the scientist because the earth is getting hotter,that make the ice to dissapear and Antarctica has losing more ice during this years. Also it satellites measure how Antarctica is losing land at the faster rate ever. Also i think that antarctica is losing ice because of the contamination that make the earth hotter and more hotter.