Friday, November 8, 2013

Galaxies Newspaper Article

The galaxies are large groups of stars, dust, gas and planets. In the universe, stars make up most of the mass we can detect, over billion of galaxies are out there in the universe. The galaxies have different sizes and shapes, for example there are three types of galaxies spiral, irregular, and elliptical. Also the sizes of the galaxies are big and small, for example the largest galaxies contain more than trillion of stars. The average galaxies contain about billion of stars.

The galaxies are measured by light years, the largest galaxies is about 6 light year.

 Spiral Galaxies: Spiral galaxies are bulge, disk and halo

Elliptical Galaxies: Elliptical galaxies are shaped like a sphere and is like a ball.
Irregular Galaxies: Irregular galaxies have no regular shape.

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