Friday, December 13, 2013

How The Scientist Learn About Past Climates?

The weather & climate shared the similar elements for example the air temperature, the humidity, the type and amount clouds and precipitation, air pressure wind speed and direction.
The weather records go back about 130 years.
The time scale scientist use to measure the climate is by the geologic time scales.
The scientist the past climate clues in the rocks fossils and plant fossils records.
Examination of  fossils and pollen records, using core samples from the ocean floor glaciers and the polar ice caps, and examining growth ring on trees are 3 techniques that scientist use to measure the past climate.
Temperature, precipitation, wind patterns these techniques provide clues to the past climate.

Where was that?
Antarctica ocean north pole
Whats the ship name?
How long did they spend investigating the water?
1 hour but they do everytime

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Climate Change

The amount of CO2(carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere is getting warm the earth. That will make more bad things for the earth and the people will not live like before.

Also the warmer get the earth less ice will be for Antarctica, and all the parts that have a lot of ice around the world will decrease more.

All the scientist know what will happen if we continue contaminated this world, the world will be more hotter, the sea level will decrease, parts like canada where is ice it will a beautiful forest.

CLIMATE: Meteorological conditions, temperature, precipitation. Climate is usually (sunny).
WEATHER: The state of the atmosphere at given time and place weather is the rain.
1) Strenght at the sun.
2) Earth position relative to the sun.
3) Heat from inside the Earth.
4) How shiny the Earth is Albedo.
5) Greenhouse gasses.
ALBEDO: The sun that is reflected to the earth. We can control albedo and GHO'S.
FEEDBACK'S: When the output of a system is feed back as an input altering the next output.
RATCHET: You can crank it one way, but you can't crank it other.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Is Climate Change a Hoax?

There are many people that deny we are destroying our earth and some peoples that think we are destroying this earth.

The true story of this world is that we are really destroying this earth. If the human continued to do this kind of thing like using a lot the fossil fuels there will be more contamination coming for the cars.

 Earth is beautiful place to live, for example people are saying that "antarctica has more ice than ever before" but the really thing is that that placer it doesn't have more ice than before.

Well according to this video ( that claim is not supported by the scientist because the earth is getting hotter,that make the ice to dissapear and Antarctica has losing more ice during this years. Also it satellites measure how Antarctica is losing land at the faster rate ever. Also i think that antarctica is losing ice because of the contamination that make the earth hotter and more hotter.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Adventures Of Panchita

Once upon a time there was a girl named Panchita she was inside of her house but she felt so
boring inside of her house then she tough, I should go outside and see the beautiful weather 
then she walk out side of her house. She saw a beautiful rabbit then she run to catch the
rabbit but she couldn't catch it then she fall and hit the head and fall in a dream

After that she was loss in a big universe, she was felt so scared then she saw a lot of planets.
She was scared but at the same time a little exited that she went to travel around the planets she find three planets their names was Venus, Mars and Earth.she went to visit those planets.

First she taste visit Venus but when she was in Venus She find out that Venus was too hot for
her that she can't even breathe in that planet. She saw a alien the alien was good and not bad, she told to the alien who are you and the alien said I'm a alien and i will explain to you everything about this planet. The alien explain to the girls that Venus was too hot because there was a extreme dense atmosphere. there was to much CO2 .

Then she went to a planet named Mars She was felt so cold that she can't even move her body because of the cold. Again she find a little rare animal, she said who are you and then the animal said I'm a animal that live here and i will explain how is this planet and why is so cold, the animal started to said that Mars was so cold because it almost no atmosphere, the amount of CO2 was insufficient for warming.

She went to another planet and the name of the planet was Earth She didn't felt nothing she was really happy because the Earth it was just right. She saw a human and the human talk to the girl. The human explain that earth is was just right because the Earth have the right amount of gasses and right types of elements. Also because there was Carbon Dioxide CO2, there is water, and the atmosphere was really good that why earth was really good. She woke up for her dreams then she learned that earth is the best planet to live then she went home and told to her parent what she saw in her dreams. 


Thursday, November 14, 2013

What Caused the Demise of the Dinosaurs?

Do you know how long the dinosaurs live in this earth, well here that answer. The dinosaurs lived about one hundred million years ago they spread out because of the continent the time the continents were together. During that time the climate was warm, there wasn't broad-leave trees, no flower-bearing plants, no ice 
 polar, the moon was closer, the day was longer.

The Argentinosaurus were so enormous because they don't even have predators. and they had more mass and they don't need to run from their predators because of their giant height. The dinosaurs demise because of the mammals became bigger and more competitive, there was drifting, isolated continents touch 
each other, there was a new rival that appear,  there was new diseases spread for the bite of the other animals. Also the climate was getting colder.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Galaxies Newspaper Article

The galaxies are large groups of stars, dust, gas and planets. In the universe, stars make up most of the mass we can detect, over billion of galaxies are out there in the universe. The galaxies have different sizes and shapes, for example there are three types of galaxies spiral, irregular, and elliptical. Also the sizes of the galaxies are big and small, for example the largest galaxies contain more than trillion of stars. The average galaxies contain about billion of stars.

The galaxies are measured by light years, the largest galaxies is about 6 light year.

 Spiral Galaxies: Spiral galaxies are bulge, disk and halo

Elliptical Galaxies: Elliptical galaxies are shaped like a sphere and is like a ball.
Irregular Galaxies: Irregular galaxies have no regular shape.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

What are Exoplanets?

1. Define Exoplanets.
    Exoplanets are the planets that are bigger than the earth.
2. Describe how scientists detect Exoplanets.
    They look for wobbles in a stars nation caused by the pull of a nearby planet
3. Based upon you research from yesterday and today, do you think some exoplanets have life? Explain.
    Yes because they are made from the same process like the earth.
4. If intelligent life was found, how do you think humans would find it? Explain
    Maybe it would be more tecnology and maybe can be better thing than us.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Is Earth Unique?

1. What is the name of earth galaxy and how many star are in it?
The name galaxy is milkey way there are billion and billion of galaxies.
2. Who is Erick Pentigura, and what did the he find (or clain)?
He was a graduate student from the university of Berkeley and he find
3. Are Petigura's finding credible?
Yes because it have pictures and evidence.
4. What, if anything, in the article makes his claims credible? Explain.
It would be more credits for Erick.

Star & Sun Word Search

1. We are all made of ___________.
2. All living thing are made of_________.
3. Relatively young stars like our Sun convert hydrogen to produce _________.
4. When a average star die it convert to a _____________.
5. When a massive star die it convert to a _____________.

1) Are we really made from stardust?
    Yes because the stardust is made of carbon
2) List 5 facts about the sun.
    Light, hot, star, big, yellow.
3) What fuel does the sun use?
    The sun use hydrogen and helium for fuel.
4) What are the stage in the life of our sun?
   The stage of the life of the sun are stellar nebula, average star, red giant, planetary nebula.
5) How much more life does the sun have?
    The sun  have 5 billion years of life.
6) What size stars end in a supernova? why?
     Massive star because it was a big rock that explode.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Reflection Of The Universe

Comparing the earth with the other planets we don't know if we are the only one with life
may be the other planets have life in their planets we are like a little small rock around bigger rocks than the earth. We think that this earth is the best of the whole world but no really maybe there are other planets more beautiful than this earth, we don't know how much years
we can life in this earth, around our earth there are lots of planets including the galaxies around us.
we just are like little bacteria in the whole planet. How much planets are around us? we don't know
but I believe that one day we will know how many planets are outside of our planet. How god can give us life in a small planet? I think god create us to live in this whole world to be an example for the future but
why he create us in this world why he organized all really good. You think that you are so big but compare the planets with you and you will not if you are big. Everybody know that we are a small bacteria in all the world. Now think are you small or big?.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Predicting The Future

Family or Friend:
1. My dad is going to Mexico in December.
2. My uncle will finish to pay his house in 2029.
3. My friend Misael wants to be a Geology in the future.

The United States:
1. The United States will fall the government at the future.
2. In the United States the things will be more harder to get and more expensive things.
3. Maybe At the future undocumented people will have 
visa or green card to be in the United States.

The World:
1. People dying in Siria will be more people killed by the soldiers and have more fights.
2. The sun will be more danger for the humans because the temperature.
3. All the word will have a war in the future between Israel and their enemies.

Television & movie:
1. If people continued to watch TV they will be a fat people.
2. The movies will have more reals images than the 90s.
3. The Movies will create a unreal things predicting how the robots control the earth.

1. The musics can be more explicit and old music will disappear.
2. The music can create the sounds like a drugs for our ears.
3: People will listed more music.

1. The NFL create new teams.
2. Leonel Messi will have more gold balls.
3.Fc Barcelona will have more than 35 trophies.
Kearny High School:
1. SIB will have more mexican students.
2. The School will get more older.
3. The school will have more students during the next year.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Welcome To My Science Blog

This is my favorite game Modern Combat 4

I'm Alejandro Villa, I come from Santiago Juxtlahuaca Oaxaca. I was Born in Arizona, Phoenix. On my future I want to become a doctor or maybe have big landscaping corporation. After this dreams I will like to go the University Of San Diego because I want to get faster works and have more money to take care of my family.

I like rock and rap music, my favorite singer is Linkin Park and a Spanish raper named Porta. Also I like I anime like Naruto and  Bleach. During my free time I like play games on my iPod like Modern Combat 4, Asphalt 8, and Fifa 14.

I have a sister with my mom in Mexico I miss them because my mom always said to me try your best and try to learn more English to have a better future.